Jul 1, 2020
In 1972 Alan Kay published a paper called "A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages". In it's pages Kay offers the first description of a portable computer, what he calls the DynaBook. What makes this document so remarkable is that the computer it describes is shockingly modern. Despite being nearly 50 years old the...
Jun 3, 2020
The development of computer technology, especially early on, is deeply tied to governmental and military research. Early computers like Colossus and the Harvard Mark Iwere a big part of the Allied war effort. The internet itself is an outgrowth of a collection of US government projects. But not all of these undertakings...
May 6, 2020
Pulse Code Modulation, or PCM, is the core technology behind digital audio. Despite being so central to modern day life PCM is actually pretty old. It was originally developed by Alec Reeves, a telecom engineer, all the way back in 1937. From there the technology has slowly gained traction and eventually found its way...
Apr 8, 2020
The Vectrex was a unique and impressive console. It differentiated itself from other home offerings of the time by using vector graphics instead of a more traditional pixelated approach. The machine could handle crude 3D graphics years before the competition, and in the modern day it's become a cult classic. But what...
Mar 25, 2020
First published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1945, As We May Think is often cited as a watershed moment in computer history. In this essay Vannevar Bush laid out his vision for machines of the future, improved interfaces, and better data handling methods. It's most remembered today for it's description of the Memex, a...