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Nov 25, 2019

In this mini-episode we look at a strange event in Microsoft's early history and their first case of piracy. Along the way you will learn about the best advetrizing campaign in history: the MITS MOBILE Computer Caravan!

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Episode 17 Notes - The Domesday Gallery

Nov 21, 2019

The BBC Domesday Project, completed in 1986, is a lot of things. Broken up into two LaserDiscs is a massive volunteer-collected survey of Britain, graphable and searchable census data, high resolution maps, and virtualized 3D tours of selected locations. The entire project blurs the line between time capsule and tech...

Nov 18, 2019

In 1086 William the Conqueror commissioned a survey of England that would come to be known as the Domesday Book. 900 years later the BBC would create a similar survey, called the Domesday Project. This new survey spanned two LaserDiscs holding over a gigabyte of data and 200,000 images, most of which were collected by...

Episode 16 Notes - How Capable was the 4004?

Nov 7, 2019

The Intel 4004 was the first commercial microprocessor. There is a lot that can be said about this achievement, but what exactly was the chip like to work with? The fact of the matter is that the 4004 would live it's life as a controller for simple devices, but didn't really show up as a CPU powering computers. It's not...

Nov 4, 2019

Intel is one of the dominant forces in the computer industry today, they may be most well known for their line of microprocessors. These chips have powered computers going back to the early days of microcomputers. How did Intel become so entrenched in the field? Well, it all started with the 4004 CPU, the first...